Minsun awarded at the 3rd Young Engineers Colloquium in East Asia!

Posted by ylee | News

구조신뢰성 연구실 김민선 박사(전 UNIST 석박통합과정, 현 한국철도기술연구원 박사후연구원)가 International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineers(IABSE)에서 개최한
The 3rd Young Engineers Colloquium in East Asia의 Technical Poster 분야에서 Best Paper Award를 수상하였습니다. 발표 제목은 Probabilistic Prediction on Multiple Structural Responses for Cable Bridges Based on Measurement Data입니다. 축하합니다!

Dr. Minsun Kim (former UNIST combined master's and doctoral student, currently a postdoctoral researcher at Korean Railroad Research Institute) was awarded the Best Paper Award in the Technical Poster category at the 3rd Young Engineers Colloquium in East Asia hosted by the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineers (IABSE). The title of the presentation was Probabilistic Prediction on Multiple Structural Responses for Cable Bridges Based on Measurement Data. Congratulations!